Jhapa Solar PV Project is located at Shivasaktashi municipality of Jhapa District in Nepal. The plant is owned by Jhapa Energy Ltd. The capacity of the project is 10MW and is the one of the largest grid connected solar project for 2023 in Nepal. The plant came in operation in December 2023. This plant has occupied 15.57 hector land. There are 22232 solar modules each having capacity 540Wp and 2 units of 5MVA invertor. The generation voltage of the plant is 690V and is upgraded into 33000V matching the grid voltage of utility system. The generated power is connected to 33 kV Panchghachi distribution centre of Nepal Electricity Authority at a distance of 0.75km.
Janda devi Nepal Energy has successfully completed the erection, installation testing and commissioning of Jhapa Energy Solar Project, substation and its transmission line.
Jinko -540Wp
Fimer - 5MVA
Additional Characteristic
Project Details
12 MWp
15.57 Hectors
17510.448 MWh
Rs 7.30 /Unit
Jhapa Energy Limited